Monday, January 28, 2019

SAP HANA Administration – Overview

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If you are keen enough to learn about SAP or SAP HANA and further its important modules, you surely would have understood by this time, what is sap HANA actually.

What is SAP HANA?

SAP HANA is an in-memory database, which works on the cloud platform, introduced for high-end application development and real-time data analysis.

What is SAP HANA Administration?

In general, the administration means to manage the overall working system and environment of the concerned assignment or application.

In a similar way, SAP HANA Administration manages the overall SAP HANA System in a single and distributed system environment.

The responsibilities of SAP HANA Administration:

  • Upkeep and maintenance of SAP HANA System
  • Optimizing performance of the application and all servers
  • Management tasks of each server
  • Ensuring security under the SAP HANA system installed
  • Ensuring smooth functioning and continuity of the business and processes
  • Timely diagnosis of any issue or problem and resolving it in a systemic and timely manner
  • SAP HANA Lifecycle Management

SAP HANA Architecture

SAP HANA Architecture

SAP HANA Application Servers

SAP HANA system consists of all servers of SAP HANA application installed in an organization. There are multiple servers in HANA. The most important one is called as Index server.

Index Server

Index server is responsible for processing SQL/MDX statement using engines in the Index server. It contains the actual data stores. It also contains Session and Transaction Manager to keep track of completed and running transactions.

Name Server

Name server maintains the topology of the SAP HANA system. It manages all the running components and data stored in each component. In a distributed system with instances of the SAP HANA database on multiple hosts, the name server knows where the components are running and which data is located on which server.

Compile server

As the name suggests, this server is used to compile stored procedures and programs. SQL procedures are one of the main of them. It runs on every host and does not keep any data.


The preprocessor is used to analyze the text data. It extracts the information and performs search capabilities. These are used by index servers

Web Dispatcher
Web Dispatcher processes HTTP or HTTPS requests for HANA XS engine. It consists of one or more NetWeaver application servers. It ensures the security into servers by accepting or denying the connections coming in and by evenly distributing incoming requests to across all servers.

Property Layers in SAP HANA Administration

Property Layers in SAP HANA

Multitenant Database Containers

Since SAP HANA supports multiple isolated databases in a single SAP HANA system, we can install the SAP HANA system in multiple container modes. This is known as Multitenant database containers.

All the databases in a multiple-container system share the same installation of database system software and each database runs on the same infrastructure and uses the same computing resources.

Each database consists of the following components −

  • Database Users
  • Repository
  • Database Catalog
  • Backups
  • Traces and Logs
  • Persistence

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